Prevention and reduction of exploitative child labour (PREC) 2023-2026

Children (as defined by World Bank for ages 0-14 years) make up 46% of the total population in Uganda. However, 6.2 million (40%) of the children aged 5-17 years are involved in child labour excluding HH chores (UBOS – National Labour Survey, 2021), Child labour is highest in Karamoja (56%) compared to other regions in the country. A report by Hope for Justice (HfJ) etal (2018) revealed that 23% of children on the streets in Uganda (Iganga, Jinja, Mbale and Kampala) are from Karamoja as a result of Household poverty, food insecurity, socio-cultural norms and practices, insecurity, illiteracy and human trafficking. Poverty levels in Karamoja are at 74.5% of the national average and 70% of the population are food poor (Uganda National Housing Survey, 2022). Many households in Karamoja seek non-agricultural jobs and income opportunities, including wage work as domestic servants, in gold mining, in charcoal/firewood transport and a wide range of menial tasks such as fetching water for brewing businesses (Bernd Mueller and Samuel Bbosa, 2015). Impoverished families easily fall prey to recruiters, often respected village elders, family members, or friends, who may or may not be aware that the children they identify end up in exploitative CL.

About the Project

  • The project will align interventions to each household’s specific needs, through restoration and reintegration of survivors/victims of exploitative Child labour.
  • Strengthening the child protection and support structures at the community level by influencing the actions of duty bearers and creating an enabling environment.
  • Diversification of livelihoods through beekeeping, block farming and agroforestry to mitigate the effects of climate change, enhancing food security, and providing alternative sources of income for families in Karamoja.

Geographical Coverage

Abim, Kotido, and Napak districts of the Karamoja region

Implementing Partners

  • Woord en Daad
  • The Uganda National Apiculture Development Organisation (TUNADO)
  • Hope for Justice (HfJ)

Project Duration

European Union

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