- January 16, 2024
- Posted by: webmaster
- Category: Current Projects
INC-ENT is a five year project that started in 2022, implemented by TUNADO in three districts of Kabarole, Bulisa and Hoima. The project is funded by the government of Belgium under the Director General for Development DGD through Trias Uganda, a Belgium development organisation that supports family farmers and entrepreneurs through their member based organisations (MBO). The project focuses on 6 core capacities which are;
Inclusion: the project seeks to build an inclusive TUNADO were all members can express their needs and challenges openly and where they participate in and contribute to decision making. The project envisions a TUNADO in which everyone has equal rights and opportunities and where everyone is seen, heard, recorgnised and valued as their authentic self
Ecological sustainability and climate change: this capacity looks at how well ecological sustainability and climate change is integrated in TUNADO
Leadership, governance and management: this focuses on development of leadership competencies both personal and interpersonal, strengthen governance and management structures and setting up M&E systems.
Financial health: this capacity aims to ensure that TUNADO improves its financial capacity and increases its financial sustainability.
Service delivery: this capacity focuses on providing services to members that will lead to business development and market access
Lobby, advocacy and networking: the purpose of this is to influence economic and social policies in favour of TUNADO.
During the five years of the project, a total of 1400 youth (70%) women will be recruited, trained along the honey value chain and guided to start their own apiculture business.
Bee a champion 2 ‘A competitive and inclusive honey sector in Uganda’.
Bee champion two is a three year beekeeping project (2022- 2024) funded by the Norwegian government. The project implemented by a consortium of five partners who include; Woord en Daad a faith based organisation in Netherlands as the lead partner, The Uganda National Apiculture Development Organization TUNADO, Trias – Uganda, Läkarmissionen and World of Bees (U) Ltd.
The project is implemented in four regions of Uganda that is South Western, Mid-West, West Nile, North Eastern and central region. Specifically working with 6 rural transformational centres of Kisoro beekeepers cooperative, Delta bees Ug ltd, Bunyangabu beekeepers cooperative, bee house products ltd, Arua market women honey traders association and Arid land development programme
Project Objectives:
BaC 2 contributes to an inclusive and internationally competitive apiculture sector in Uganda: a sector offering income generating opportunities for new and existing beekeepers. BaC2 project focuses on four major IPs with each of the consortium partners specializing on one IP as highlighted below;
- IP 2, improved livelihoods for refugees and hosting communities’ representatives, through the BONGA approach under the coordination of LMI
- IP 3, improved market access for beekeepers through expansion of Rural Transformation Centres (RTC) under the coordination of TUNADO
- IP 4, capacitated beekeepers receive access to finance under the coordination of Trias Uganda
- IP 5, increased export of traceable high-quality beeswax to the international market under the coordination of World of Bees
The project targets to reach
Direct beneficiaries 3300 beekeepers (300 bee champions and 3000 auxiliaries) of which 1,000 of the auxiliaries are refugees and host community members of Rhino Camp in the West Nile region.