Mr. Allon BomujuniHead of Membership Development

areas of expertise
- Heads the Membership Development office and is responsible for membership recruitment and development.
- Certified Bee Keeping Trainer
- Certified Bee products Inspector
- Trainer of Trainers in Financial Literacy
- Trainer of Trainers of theFarmer’s advocacy consultative tool (FACT)
- Trainer of Trainers in Gender Action Learning Systems (GALS)
- Trainer of Trainers in Using ERI Tools (Enabling Rural Innovations)
- He holds a Bsc. in Environment and Natural Resource Management, Ndejje University
Along his career path, Allon has received certification from several bodies including, Ministry of agriculture as a certified beekeeping trainer, Uganda National Bureau of Standards as a certified bee products inspector, bank of Uganda as TOT in financial literacy, TOT of the farmer’s advocacy consultative tool (FACT), TOT in Gender Action Learning Systems (GALS), and TOT in using the ERI tools (Enabling Rural Innovations). He has over 9 years’ experience working with members through; creating membership development packages, coordination, group formation, business development services, market linkage and extension.
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